Blog team 2 reminder
samedi 30 août 2014
Presentation Team 2 reminder
Bonjour à tous!
Hello everybody!
Nous allons vous présenter l'équipe 2 de relance de notre DT.
We are going to present you the team 2 reminder of our DT.


Hiii... My name is Tedja Musyanti. You can call me Yanti. I am 43 yers old. I was married and have one child. I am so in happy with my family. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. ( Maybe someday you can come to my country.... ) . I have been into papercraft about 2,5 years. Since I met " Tilda-Edwin ", I mad about that. I love make card, 3 D Projects, and more about paper craft. Now I am DT of IMLC ( Indonesia Magnolia Lovers Challenge ). I am so happy join in here and I will do the best.

Hello, my name is Silvia Sencaka. I am 28 years old and a happy mother with one cute little daughter., lived in Indonesia. I have been into card making since March 2014, and addicted since then ^^ Now i am DT showcase at Aurora Wings and it is an honoured to be became DT for Paradise of Stamp Blog Challenge.

Hello I'm Vicky Fortier also known in the craft world as Crafting Vicky.
I'm an accountant working full time and a mother of 4 great kids. I have an amazing husband who understand that in order to keep my sanity through all this I need to craft ;) I live in Quebec, Canada, so a lot of my crafting is done with French sayings.
I have been crafting over 21 years and tried my hands at all kinds of techniques over the years. I started blogging in March of 2012 in order to join challenges. I became totally hooked!!!! I can't believe this world existed and I only found out about it then. I see blogging as a wonderful opportunity to improve my card making abilities.
I have realized that through the web I get to meet amazing people from all over the world and learn from them.

When I'm not busy with the family I like to go hide out in my craftroom and make a few cards and the occasional scrapbook layout.
I also love photography and working in our rose garden during the summer.

Je suis très fière d'avoir été choisie par Lauri pour faire partie de la DT et espère ne pas vous décevoir. A très vite les filles pour de belles réas.
Gros bisous.
Hello girls, my name is Valerie but everyone calls me Val. I scrap for the past 10 years and I started to cover for 4 years when I discovered Tilda stamps. Now I'm not going that way. Sometimes qques minis but this is rare.
I am very proud to have been chosen by Lauri to be part of the DT and hope not to disappoint you. See you soon for beautiful girls sheaves.
lots of love. Kisses.
Hello, my name is Sophie (scrappapouille on the web !). I'm 32 years old. I live in Belgium with a wonderful man, 9 cats and a dog ! i'm a Magnolia Addict of course but i love all of stamps ! . i began with the House Mouse stamp there are 17 years now. Hugs Sophie

Hello, my name is Sophie or socha88.
I am 26 years old and i come from Belgium. I live whit my husband and we're having a baby in late november. A little boy.I love Magnolia stamps and i scrap for 5 years old
vendredi 29 août 2014
blog team 2
Blog us
Laurigami :
Kate :
Scrapanik :
Julie G :
Manuela :
Laurigami :
Kate :
Scrapanik :
Julie G :
Manuela :
Presentation of the second Team
Bonjour à tous!
Hello everybody!
Nous allons vous présenter l'équipe 2 de notre DT.
We are going to present you a second team of our DT.
My name is Nathalie. I lived in France near Paris.
I'm teaching to the primary school.
I makes cards for almost 5 years, how time goes by.
I began with stamps, then i discovered digis and revelation, it was markers and especially copics.There is little I discovered coloured pencils and I like very much colouring with. The colorization is new for me, and I still need to have a practice and to learn to improve me. It's quite new for me to be a member of a DT and I was very excited to work with all talented women:) I hope to be for the heigt.

My name is Kate (K8) and I come from Sweden. Is married and has 2 children and 4 grandchildren so far. Fits me well when I go home because of illness. Have scrapping now for about 3 years, but have always liked to be creative.
Slipped in on a banana peel when a female friend would end up with this.
Slipped in on a banana peel when a female friend would end up with this.
And here I am now !!

Voilà, je me présente, je m'appelle Annick, alias Scrapanik sur le net. J'habite en Belgique,dans le Hainaut. je scrappe depuis 2009, j'ai commencé par de l'européen, et puis j'ai découvert le scrap Américain plus précisément le style Shabby....Ensuite j'ai fais connaissance des tampons Magnolia, grâce à une ensuite les Gorjuss et Besties sont venues compléter ma collection!!!! Je colorise mes tampons avec des Copic....Que dire encore???Je suis très contente d'avoir été contactée en tant que membre DT!!! A bientôt......

Voilà, je me présente, je m'appelle Annick, alias Scrapanik sur le net. J'habite en Belgique,dans le Hainaut. je scrappe depuis 2009, j'ai commencé par de l'européen, et puis j'ai découvert le scrap Américain plus précisément le style Shabby....Ensuite j'ai fais connaissance des tampons Magnolia, grâce à une ensuite les Gorjuss et Besties sont venues compléter ma collection!!!! Je colorise mes tampons avec des Copic....Que dire encore???Je suis très contente d'avoir été contactée en tant que membre DT!!! A bientôt......

je me présente je m'appelle Manuela Dory Cottereau j'ai 46 ans, je suis mariée et j'ai deux grands enfants de 20 et 18 ans. J'habite Lannion en Bretagne depuis peu (avant j'habitais à coté de Paris) je fais du scrap depuis environ 9 ans... mais surtout de la carterie ces derniers temps. J'aime beaucoup la colorisation aux feutres, c'est mon hobby. Je suis assitante maternelle depuis 18 ans. je fais aussi partie de la DT de Fairies in Time, et je suis très contente de faire partie de votre team.
Hello my name is Julie, I live in Australia. I have been making cards for 22 years ever since my first son was born. I now have 5 children and a very patient Hubby. I love all types of craft but Cards and paper crafts are my favourite. I am so excited to be on this wonderful new team.

I am Guylaine, 37, mother of 3 beautiful children: David, Ariane and Valerie, aged between 8 and 13 years.
They are my primary source of inspiration!
I'm in a relationship for over 14 years!
In the life of every day, I am project planner for a company
manufacturing military products.
I discovered scrapbooking in 2006 during my last maternity leave. It was in order to create personalized photo albums for my children. Since then it has become more than a goal but a passion. I discovered the world of card making a year after and I'm just as hooked.
I'm in a relationship for over 14 years!
In the life of every day, I am project planner for a company
manufacturing military products.
I discovered scrapbooking in 2006 during my last maternity leave. It was in order to create personalized photo albums for my children. Since then it has become more than a goal but a passion. I discovered the world of card making a year after and I'm just as hooked.

aimé les tampons Magnolia quelques années plus tard je suis toujours aussi fan. Je remercie Cline et Laurigami de m'avoir contacter pour faire partie de la dt une première pour moi.
j'ai hâte de participer aux challenges et de découvrir vos créations.
A bientôt

my name is Sandy .
I live in Melbourne, Australia with my hubby.
I have two grown up daughters, one handsome grandson
& two gorgeous little grand daughters
I have been card making for about 2years,
I am retired and like to paint but making cards is my joy!
It would be lovely to expand my expertise with making different types of cards.
jeudi 28 août 2014
blog Team 1 reminder
blog Team
presentation Team 1 reminder
Bonjour à tous!
Hello everybody!
Nous allons vous présenter l'équipe 1 de relance de notre DT.
We are going to present you the team 1 release of our DT.

I`m 40 years young almost 41 and I`m married with children.
My hobby is making cards and pimping up all sorts of stuff.
I love to see all there is in this wonderfull craftworld So see you soon.
Hugs Cinderella

My name is Mari, I live in Ohio (USA) with my husband Mike and our 5 kids, our oldest is 9 and the baby is 7 months.
When I'm not busy with the family I like to go hide out in my craftroom and make a few cards and the occasional scrapbook layout.
I also love photography and working in our rose garden during the summer.

Hiii... My name is Tedja Musyanti. You can call me Yanti. I am 43 yers old. I was married and have one child. I am so in happy with my family. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. ( Maybe someday you can come to my country.... ) . I have been into papercraft about 2,5 years. Since I met " Tilda-Edwin ", I mad about that. I love make card, 3 D Projects, and more about paper craft. Now I am DT of IMLC ( Indonesia Magnolia Lovers Challenge ). I am so happy join in here and I will do the best.


Bonjour, Je m'appelle Maryline alias Marylilirose sur la blogsphère. J'ai 38 ans (enfin dans quelques jours, lol..), je suis mariée, j'ai 3 enfants qui ont 11, 8 et 1 an. Je suis addict à la carterie, scrapbooking et aux projets 3D...

Bonjour, je m'appelle Claudine, j'ai 49 ans , mariée, un fils de 30 ans, je suis de l'Oise je scrappe depuis 4 ans surtout la carterie, objets altérés et coloriser les tampons.. je suis très heureuse de faire partie de l'équipe!

I'm 42 years old and am married to an exceptional husband, no children, but I have a 7 year old female Rottweiler named Xica and a cat called Menace of 6 months and simply LOVE. Along with them I have found inspiration for Scrapbooking. I am a native Portugal and I live in Matosinhos, which for those unfamiliar, is a beautiful and picturesque fishing town in Portugal with beautiful beaches. Work as secretary and direction since 2011, and I am in Lisbon, but always make time for my favorite hobby. Created in 2008 my YouTube channel and since then have evolved and learned a lot along with several friends who have been finding along this route, which led me to devote as much as I can and improve my work.

Hello my name is Gina and I live in the U.K. I am married and have two wonderful grown up sons. I am very lucky as my husband (Phil) is very supportive of my crafting and never moans or groans that I spend most of my spare time in my craft room. I work in a local secondary school. My Mum introduced to me to card making about 8 years ago and I have been hooked ever since. For several years I was into decoupage and one day I tried stamping and have never looked back. All my images are coloured with Copics and I add a few highlights with pencils. It can take me a whole evening to colour one image, but I am totally addicted and love it.

Hello, my name is Sophie or socha88.
I am 26 years old and i come from Belgium. I live whit my husband and we're having a baby in late november. A little boy.I love Magnolia stamps and i scrap for 5 years old
mercredi 27 août 2014
Team 1
blog us
laurigami :
Delphine :
laurigami :
Delphine :
Presentation of our first Team
Bonjour à tous!
Hello everybody!
Nous allons vous présenter l'équipe 1 de notre DT.
We are going to present you the A team of our DT.
Owner and DT-coordinator
Hello, my name is Laurigami, I live is Picardie.
I have the chance to be a mother at home.
I discovered scrapbooking following the serious illness of my second,
I need to do something else.

My name is Kate (K8) and I come from Sweden. Is married and has 2 children and 4 grandchildren so far. Fits me well when I go home because of illness. Have scrapping now for about 3 years, but have always liked to be creative.
Slipped in on a banana peel when a female friend would end up with this.
Slipped in on a banana peel when a female friend would end up with this.
And here I am now !!

Hi! My name is Marta (Pejtoon) and I come from Poland.
I'm married and I have little cat her name is Milka.
I discoverd scrapbooking 7 years ago and now I can't l life without it!
My favorite are Magnolia and Saturated Canary stamps,
but I like many others too!
I color my stamps with Copic markers.
I hope you like my works!

Hi ! My name's Catherine,
I live in the North of the France.
I discovered the scrapbooking in 2003,
I decided to realize cards when I discovered stamps Magnolia.
Delighted to share this adventure with you !
See you soon ! Hugs from France.
Cat's sCrap.
Hi, My name is Céline i live in France near of Paris.
I'm teacher in primary school.
I love card making and over all coloring my stamps or digis.
And of course i'm totally addict of my Magnolia stamps.
So i'm so excited to be part of the Paradise of Stamps team.
Hugs Céline

Je suis Guylaine, 37 ans, maman de 3 beaux enfants: David, Ariane et Valérie, âgés entre 8 et 13 ans. Ils sont ma première source d’inspiration!
Je suis en couple depuis plus de 15 ans!
Dans la vie de tous les jours, je suis planificatrice de projet pour une entreprise fabriquant des produits militaires.
J’ai découvert le Scrapbooking en 2006 durant mon dernier congé de maternité. C’était dans le but de créer des albums photos personnalisés pour mes enfants. Depuis ce temps c’est devenu plus qu’un but mais une passion. J’ai découvert le monde de la carterie un an plus
tard et j’y suis tout aussi accro.


Hi I'm Tina
I am married to Sean have 3 grown up children and a 4 year old grandson.
I have been crafting of sorts for years from making Jewelry, sewing and knitting and paper crafting in the last 4 years.
I love making cards and altering items and creating for those I love.
Tina xx

Je suis Guylaine, 37 ans, maman de 3 beaux enfants: David, Ariane et Valérie, âgés entre 8 et 13 ans. Ils sont ma première source d’inspiration!
Je suis en couple depuis plus de 15 ans!
Dans la vie de tous les jours, je suis planificatrice de projet pour une entreprise fabriquant des produits militaires.
J’ai découvert le Scrapbooking en 2006 durant mon dernier congé de maternité. C’était dans le but de créer des albums photos personnalisés pour mes enfants. Depuis ce temps c’est devenu plus qu’un but mais une passion. J’ai découvert le monde de la carterie un an plus
tard et j’y suis tout aussi accro.

Je me présente je m'appelle Manuela Dory Cottereau j'ai 46 ans, je suis mariée .
Jai deux grands enfants de 20 et 18 ans. J'habite Lannion en Bretagne depuis peu (avant j'habitais à coté de Paris) je fais du scrap depuis environ 9 ans... mais surtout de la carterie
ces derniers temps. J'aime beaucoup la colorisation aux feutres, c'est mon hobby. Je suis assitante maternelle depuis 18 ans. je fais aussi partie de la DT de Fairies in Time, et je suis très contente de faire partie de votre team.
Je me présente je m'appelle Manuela Dory Cottereau j'ai 46 ans, je suis mariée .
Jai deux grands enfants de 20 et 18 ans. J'habite Lannion en Bretagne depuis peu (avant j'habitais à coté de Paris) je fais du scrap depuis environ 9 ans... mais surtout de la carterie
ces derniers temps. J'aime beaucoup la colorisation aux feutres, c'est mon hobby. Je suis assitante maternelle depuis 18 ans. je fais aussi partie de la DT de Fairies in Time, et je suis très contente de faire partie de votre team.

Hi I'm Tina
I am married to Sean have 3 grown up children and a 4 year old grandson.
I have been crafting of sorts for years from making Jewelry, sewing and knitting and paper crafting in the last 4 years.
I love making cards and altering items and creating for those I love.
Tina xx
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